Monday 9 May 2011

Community New's For The New Beta...

Developer News
The beta has gone beta!
It ain't April fools day yet, so we aren't fooling you. The first beta of Popmundo 2.0 has been released to a selected few players. Yes, we have selected a dozen people who will do the dirty work of helping us remove the most nasty bugs in the new system, as well as provide feedback in their specific areas of expertise.

In the weeks to come, we will gradually let more and more players in, until we're satisfied with the product, and all other features needed to play the game are in place.  Read More»

 Developer News
Nine days into the beta
Our busy beta testers are working their butts off to make us work our butts off, and we have made great progress since the beta was first released a little over a week ago. Thanks to our testers we've elimninated everything from minor bugs with deadly Jack-O'-Lanterns to major issues such as typos.  Read More»

 Developer News
Is it Friday already?
The end of another week of beta testing is upon us. Just as last week, we've tried to divide our time between fixing bugs in 1.0, fixing bugs in 2.0 and trying to come up with new, interesting features...  Read More»

 Developer News
An Easter teaser!
Yes, Easter is at the door, but we couldn't leave you without a little teaser, could we?  Read More»

 Developer News
The long and winding road... Heathrow Airport, as well as other places, is paved with a few new things.

Most importantly, it'll cost you energy, and you'll need energy to stay on top of things in the game. Don't worry just yet, the energy cost of a walk from the residential district in London to the airport in the outskirts of town may read "Extreme", but in reality, it's not that bad.  Read More»

Developer News
Travel in Style in Popmundo 2.0
Travels in the new version of the game are generally shorter than what we are used to here in ye olde Popmundo. VIP features have also been extended to include better travel options and will, for those of you who fly to a city where you own a home, drop you off at your local apartment upon landing.  Read More»