Wednesday 22 August 2012

Update: 21 August, 2012, Tuesday

Developer News
Tweaks to death by inactivity
The new adoption and custody request systems solved a lot of troubles that we had in the old version. However, we have seen a few unneccessary deaths of kids in V2, when the request wasn't made 4 weeks before the parent died of inactivity.

As of now, we're trying to prevent this by making sure that kids aren't "retired" until five days after their parent. That should give the system time to automatically accept any pending requests. Expect that to occur within 24 hours of the parent's death.

Thursday 16 August 2012

16th August, 2012, Thursday

 Developer News
The Old Automatic Tour Bus Movements
Roughly two weeks from now, on the third of September, we'll deactivate the old system for automatically moving tour buses.  

This means that anyone who's still relying on automatic touring preferences from the old version of the game should consider activating the automatic transports in the new version instead.

The automatic tour bus system in the new version makes life much easier on the road. The travel times are shorter, band members can tag along, they aren't limited to specific city connections, and they are no longer a VIP only option. So there aren't that many reasons left to continue using the old system.

Thanks for listening and making the change as soon as possible to avoid interruptions to your touring schedule.

Monday 13 August 2012

8th August, 2012

Developer News
Competitions & Fame
Like discussed and voted on in the forum a while back ago we've decided to remove the effects on fame and media from competitions. We made this decision to prevent competitions from being used as monotonous tools for harvesting fame and fortune. We think competitions should be held as fun loving social events or to settle personal vendettas instead. The time has finally come to act on this decision.  

Here's how the effect on media and fame will be removed from competitions:

A month from now on September 8 the effects will be reduced 50%.

Two months from now on October 8 the effects will be gone completely.

The negative effects on fame for "losers" were removed this morning.

Keep in mind that this won't affect fame and media gained from festivals and their qualifiers. What!? Another festival is in the works? YES! When the leaves have fallen to the ground and the harsh winter is looming around the corner.