Wednesday 26 September 2012

Update: Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Developer News
Announcing the Popmundo Festival X
The Tenth Popmundo Festival is waiting to once again separate the kings and queens from the peasants. Have the dinosaurs of the past survived the transition into the brave new world of popmundo 2.0 or is the throne of music ready to be conquered by new blood?

Like always there will be a qualifying round that lasts a couple of days, shortly followed by the final round. Qualifiers will begin on January 16th and you'll be able to sign up for them well ahead of time in November. Stay tuned!

Friday 21 September 2012

Update: Friday, September 21, 2012

 Developer News
The Popmundo Triad
We don't normally post community news for the addition of a new achievement. But in this case we figured we'd make an exception. The Popmundo Triad will be awarded to anyone who wins all three major competitions in the game. The Popmundo Festival, The Popopalooza, and the Big Bang. So far nobody has managed to win all three. But with the next festival around the corner there are a few possible candidates out there. Stay tuned for more information on the Tenth Popmundo Festival next week after we've recovered from the weekend.

Enjoy your friday everyone!

Thursday 20 September 2012

Update: Thursday, September 20, 2012

Developer News
Popopalooza of Year 64 came and raged world-wide for 10 rounds this time. In all, over 3000 shows with all kinds of crazy in them were played out before it was over.

Apart from the insane amount of guitar solos played, people pulled no punches to get to the next round. Here’s what some did to win a round in the competition: 5 people went nuts in the Maasaai Jumping Dance, 88 people accidentally showed their nipples, 12 dare-devils fired six shooters on stage, and last but not least, 70 people claimed the very throne of jazz - seems like there’s an interesting debate arising there!

As for what the 37,921,139 US$ in riders for all the round winners went to, we dare only speculate. Or actually, we don’t even dare do that.

Who won? Let’s see... Gata Salvaje, Sound Coming From Darkness and Equimanthorn were the final three. Which of them came out Last Band Standing in the end - and all the other results - you can find in the Charts. Meanwhile, we’ll just sulk at the fact that if the Backstreet Devs had taken part, we wouldn’t have made it any longer than to round 2.

P.S. We've begun handing out achievements for the Popopalooza now. These will be awarded retroactively for all past Popopalooza contenders as well. In the next couple of days we'll make sure everyone gets the ones they've deserved. The same will also be done for the Big Bang.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Missed(Late) Updates!

Sorry Folks! My Puppet Master was not able to connect via pc! So he missed to post the updates but here are all the missed ones!...

Developer News
Conversation updates
Some new features to the conversation system just saw the light of day.

First, you may now forward messages. Simply click the little arrow in the upper right section of the message you wish to forward. It's hopefully pretty straight forward from there.

Second, you may now hide a conversation by clickin the little eye icon next to the conversation in your inbox. This is mainly an inbox clean up tool, not a way to delete old messages. Also, you'll be able to continue conversating - it does not block the other person. Please note that hiding a conversation marks any unread messages as read.

To unhide a conversation, start a new one with the same person and click "Unhide conversation".

Hope you'll enjoy.

  Developer News
Usability improvements
Apart from a bunch of minor tweaks to the site, we've rewritten some stuff to make them easier to use withmobile devices and screen readers (for the visually impaired).

The "stuff" we've improved is sortable tables, theshortcut editor (VIP only) and the record track list editor.

Feel free to try them out in their new form. However, make sure to hit CTRL+R a few times before, since a bunch of javascript and CSS files need to be updated.

Have a great weekend, folks!

  Developer News
Pipeline unearthed
We know many are curious about the transition to the new version of Popmundo; what will happen and when. Now, we can't tell you everything, because surprises are fun. But to give you a peak of which areas are coming next, we haveactually made an effort and dug up a piece of the infamous object known as The Pipeline for you. You can find it in the development forum, Message:2100072.1.

  Developer News
Manage thy community!
Something we have lacked for a very long time (too long if you ask us) is someone who has the dedicated job to take care of the community. Someone who can be the link between developers and players and keep the community more involved. What we lacked was Tonya Cullen.

So without further ado, give it all up for Tonya and make sure she feels really welcome in this brand new role! Since a Community Manager best resides in the community we'll just point you to the English General Forum (Message:2099440.1) where Tonya will introduce herself properly!

Welcome Tonya!

Friday 7 September 2012

Update Friday, September 07, 2012

 Developer News
Big Bang of year 64 - and beyond
The Big Bang of Year 64 is now over, and we'd like to congratulate Turbojugend who when the dust settled were the ones coming out on top of everyone else. We salute you!

But let's not stop there. Nuh-uh. You see, with the new community news archive in place we made the staggeringly embarrassing discovery that no more than two Big Bang results have ever been announced and celebrated properly in this space. This needs to be remedied. 

So let's shout it out equally loud (albeit a bit late) also to Eyes Two Eyes, Eleven Is One Louder, Spektrum, Going for Chicago, The Obscure Preachers ~in mem., Orange Moka Frappuccino, Static Vibration, Kiss of Death, two time winners The Apostrophes and last but not least three(!) time winners Nervous Instructors and BarBullann still alive.

Oh what the hell... let's throw in a shout to Equimanthorn too!

That still doesn't do it for you? Go check the complete Big Bang results on the Charts page.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Update: Thursday, September 06, 2012

Developer News
Community news about community news (and managers)
First of all, the community news section here in P2 has been refurbished: there's now an archive with all the old posts. Let's see if you can find it.

Second, the process of appointing some form of community manager is going along quite well. More info on that is coming in a few days time.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Update Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Developer News
Former Band Members
As of today, if you check out the artist page of an old inactive band, you'll be able to see a list of former band members who've contributed to the artist's career somehow. Either by performing on stage or having their songs published on the artist's records. Information on if former members were band leaders at some time before 2007 is regretfully lost however.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Update: 31st August & 1st September, 2012

Developer News
Changed block settings
Yesterday, we made Popmundo 1.0 respect the permission system in Popmundo 2.0, since some people had problems with blocked persons interacting with them via the old version.

If you experience problems with interacting or messaging people you usually have no problem with, consult the text below:

1. Make sure that the persons aren't blocked or lack permission to talk and/or interact with you.

Blocked persons are found in Character > Settings > Blocked characters.

Permission settings are found in your address book (VIP only)

2. Make sure your default permissions are set correctly. If a person isn't in your address book, the general permission system takes over.

This is found under Characters > Settings > Permissions.

  Developer News
Regarding Old Songs
We're phasing in a new way of judging old songs on stage. A lot of you already know about this but here's an update.

The new system says that for every year a song has it will lose 1% of its potential score on stage up to a maximum loss of 20%. That would mean that a potential five star song that's 20 years old would become a 4 star song.

However, in order for all of you to get used to this new way of looking at the age of songs, we haven't fully activated the system yet.

Up until now the age of a song has only been allowed to remove a quarter of a star. As of today though, we're allowing the system to remove up to half a star for those who are affected most by this change.

A month from now we'll make the final tweak to this change. Before that we'll take another look at the effects of this new system to make sure the final tweak is fine tuned properly.

Most of you won't notice much of this change at all. But there's a couple of artists out there which should consider refreshing their repertoire a bit in the near future.

NOTE: Encores aren't affected by this tweak. So feel free to continue playing your oldies but goldies at the end of your shows like always.